About Me

I see life as an adventure, a journey of never ending discover. I feel it's important to live a life which is as authentic and true to who you are as you can make it. It's this philosophy that drives me, informs my art and also my healing work with others. I know from personal experience that this journey through life is not always a pleasant one but certainly challenging and fulfilling if viewed as a story constantly unfolding. I have been guiding people through difficult periods in their life, helping them make changes, find balance and experience the joy of creative expression for over 15 years. I have studied and continue to study extensively both subjects of personal and professional interest and all these combine to give me a rich selection of resources to draw on. I offer individual consultations and various workshops in creativity and self-exploration.


Diploma Professional Counselling
Diploma Transpersonal Art Therapy
Diploma Relaxation Therapy
Workshop facilitation
Human anatomy and physiology
Massage and energy balancing
Natural health and herbal medicine
Meditation, creative journeying
Small business management
Lifeline telephone counselling
Mental Health Recovery